Saturday, December 20, 2008

So I like to sleep...

I guess it is my turn to post again. I decided to talk about one my favorite things to do, sleep! Whoever knows me can attest to the fact that I will fall asleep at any time or place no matter what the circumstance may be. Sometimes I just get tired and could use a snooze life is rough! I have added some pictures that people have taken of me sleeping...some of them in random places. I swear we have more pictures of sleeping than of me awake but I guess it is one of my hobbies. I can't take pictures of myself sleeping so I am glad others are willing to document me in action or not in action I guess. And just another thing to note is I cannot for the life of me stay awake during a movie. Even if it is the most intense movie I have ever seen I will be sure to fall asleep. Take last night for example..Me and my friend Chere went and saw the movie Eagle Eye, and those that have seen this movie know it is an action/mystery/thriller so it kept me on the edge of my seat all night. I was so into it! When we were like 2 hours into the movie I noticed that I had not even fallen asleep and I was so proud of myself! But the next thing I knew Chere was waking me up cause the movie was over. How the crap did that happen?? I was so frustrated! She ended up having to tell me how the movie ended. So this hobby of mine that I enjoy can also be a nuisance. I miss a lot of great movies. My edited R rated movie night friends have decided to stop inviting me to watch movies with them cause they know I will just sleep through the whole thing. I need to work on perfecting this hobby so I don't miss out on so many things. Oh and another thing, the only picture of me that was included on the senior slide show that they played at graduation was a picture of me sleeping on my piano in piano class. What can I say? I love to sleep! Or maybe I don't sleep more than the average person, maybe people just always think to take pictures of me when I am sleeping. I think they find enjoyment in making fun of my sleeping face. As long as they don't take pictures of me with my mouth open I really don't mind. It did come in handy for me. Hey it gave me something to blog about!


  1. mal. your post is hilarious. maybe because i can relate. i can't stay awake in a movie, no matter what it may be. see you on christmas!

  2. Mal, you crack me up. I'm glad you didn't put any pictures of all of us asleep in the back of the van with our mouths wide open!

  3. I love how you can use cement steps as your bed and pillow...and your bike as a blanket! I had never seen that done before. I also can't believe you actually have 8 photos of you sleeping...I'd say the national average would be about 2. You have 8+. Amazing.

  4. My favorite is the one of you sprawled out on the floor. It's like you just passed out after a long night of drinking.

  5. I'm so glad to know that I have a like soul out there. I often sleep through the previews of movies, and have Paul wake me up when the movie actually starts. A little cat nap usually helps me make it through the show.
